By: Kristie Bray, LPCC
Depression and pain go together. Depression can cause pain and pain can cause depression. It can be a cycle back and forth between the two. Physical symptoms maybe the first symptoms a patient notices and seeks treatment for. These symptoms may include headaches, joint and back pains, stomach aches, and general aches throughout the body. When a patient complains that they are feeling physical pain there may be a chemical reason for it. Physical pain and depression have a connection through our neurotransmitters; serotonin and norepinephrine. Research suggests that anywhere from 30 to 50% of people with chronic pain also struggle with depression or anxiety.
You might be suffering from depression in addition to pain if you have some of the following symptoms:
lack of interest in activities
depressed mood or irritability
changes in sleep patterns
changes in appetite
feelings of guilt or despair
lack of energy
trouble concentrating
suicidal thoughts.
Treating both the emotional and physical symptoms of depression are important in achieving remission. A patient may need antidepressant drugs, psychotherapy, self-relaxation techniques, and physical therapy modalities such as one's offered through The Craniofacial and TMJ Institute to decrease the pain itself.